The future belongs to the curious. The ones who are not afraid to try, explore it, poke at it, question it and turn it inside out.
workshop development
brand strategy
consumer insights
concept development
We are all on a journey and I'm inspired to learn and discover each and every day!
With over 20 years of experience in brand strategy, innovation, and consumer insight work, I love to explore the world of brand experiences...from consumers to users to prescribers...experiences make a difference.
As a math nerd, I started my career as a Research Statistician...I love that, I even saved a card so my kids would believe me. My desire to get out from behind the computer drove me to the other side, taking a leap to brand management. It's after this point that I was able to marry up the two sides of my brain to spend 10 years in brand strategy.
My journey has taken me from consumer goods to international pharmaceutical and beyond. From physicians to time crunched moms to millennials, we all have a story and it's my pleasure to listen and learn from it so your brand can be a part of it.
Molly Lazzara, President
Over the phone or online
Molly Lazzara, President
424 Locust St.
Denver, CO 80220